Give Me My Flowers

Give me my flowers....Please don't wait til I'm dead and gone, to give me my recognition, I need it fresh off the stove, I don't want the long speeches nor the sad slow songs, give me a party as we celebrate me going home, I don't want the empty hugs between "friends" in my remembrance, I don't want that same line that is used over and over again, that "if you need anything please let me know", how about telling me you love me before it's my time to go, I'm so tired of hearing the "I wish I had one more chance to talk", when we take for granted every other minute on the clock, we rather spend our time alone because we're so caught up in ourselves, instead of picking up the phone to just holla at someone else, and when that someone else has reached their life's conclusion, we're with tears in our eyes hoping that God gets us through this, Give me my flowers....Maybe I'm out of line, but this topic right here has really been on my mind, we can tell everyone else how special someone is, but we can't ever tell that one person that it's them, we rather wait for the eulogy or family talks about the memories, and then we remember all the moments that we didn't see, dont get so caught up in yourself and the things in your life, tell everyone you know you love them while the time is right...

     Keeping it short and simple, I feel like we don't express our love and gratitude for each other enough. Life is short and I'm trying my best to touch and reach as many people as possible before my time is up. What are you leaving behind for others to remember you by? Take time out of your day to check on people and be there for them. We're all here to help each other in any way possible. I remember the stories of my grandma telling me how if she was out of something or her neighbor was out of something, it was nothing to go next door and ask to borrow something and vice versa. We can't do any of that these days. We have to get back to helping one another. I just want to be remembered as the guy who always was there to help. If only by listening or whatever, he was just a good guy. Be the best you can be. Dont cheat yourself out of your ONE life!


  1. You are a head of your time. I’m celebrating life and smelling my flowers now! I feel free! Peace~~~~ Hammer

  2. Humbled. I appreciate it and yes, celebrate life!


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