How To Be Unsuccessful


     What are you doing to be unsuccessful? Have you ever thought about why things don't work out in your favor? I've read a lot of things about how to be successful but what about the opposite?

1. ATTITUDE- Is it your attitude towards life and the people around you? A lot of people have isolated themselves from the world and don't even realize it. In your mind you feel like the world revolves around you but really you're getting left behind. "You can try to change but that's just the top layer, Man you was who you was before you got here", classic Jay Z line. And it holds truth. We act one way around certain people and another way around other people but it's only so long before the truth comes out. You can't hide who you are inside. So I'll ask again, what are you doing to be unsuccessful?

2. INTANGIBLES- Where's your drive? Where's your motivation? Where's your ability to listen? Where's your heart? The ability to pull yourself back up and grind for a come back. That's something you can't teach or buy online. Either you have it or you don't.

3. COMPLAINING- Why do we complain so much? It's always something. Too hot. Too cold. I'm tired. I'm sleepy. Headache. Back ache. Car needs gas. Don't feel like driving. Bills due. Hate my job. Hate my co workers. Hate my spouse. It's always something. Don't you get tired of saying you're tired? Stop complaining about every little thing life throws at you.

4. JEALOUSY- So you're telling me that you're mad because that person you don't like is getting blessed right now? But the reason you don't like them is the same way you act towards other people? But they should love you for who you are right? Wait on your season. What's for you is for you. But it's not going to be easy. You gotta grind for it. Envying the next person isn't going to get you any closer to your goals or dreams.

5. SELFISHNESS- This right here. This one? This one will give you a lot of sleepless nights. You'll just be awake for no reason and yet you'll be tired but can't fall asleep. Sometimes, not very often, we meet people who are very selfless. Very giving. Very humble. And people normally flock to this person. They have a welcoming spirit. And they're also the people who tend to be the subjects of a lot of jealousy. Not because they have everything on their life together, but because they carry themselves in a way that makes them seem unbothered. Why is that? I believe it is a sign of maturity and they get what life is about. It's about helping others and serving them. How can you expect others to help you when you live life inside your own bubble? Where everything all day, everyday, is about you and only you. Last time I checked, I dont think Jesus died for himself? I think he had other people in mind but I'll leave it at that. Where's your gratitude and service for others? Newsflash. You're not as good as you think you are! We all have flaws. We all have imperfections. How we use our platforms to get better and help others is what turns our flaws into strengths. Let that other person be great. It's not always about you.

     It's time we look at ourselves a little bit closer. We can't keep blaming everyone else for our mistakes. Take the blame and grow from it. Change your attitude. Develop a mindset that's unbreakable. Stop complaining. Let that jealousy go. Stop being selfish. Bottomline. Congratulate or Dissipate.


  1. You truly have a powerful message to humanity. Awesome job.
    Hammer ~~~~


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